About this podcast

A micro-podcast: short & sweet mindset shifts for intentional life creators. This podcast is about creating from the inside out rather than from the outside in. It is about creating with energy first and FEELING FIRST, rather than by outside forms first. Basically, it is about re-orienting to your inner truth, inner trust, and natural stability, finding your own fullness, and creating your life and dreams from THAT foundation. I made this podcast for my own clarity and joy on my never-ending journey in life creation and design and to help myself and others move through the hard bits that come up along the way and alchemize those things into the gold that paves the road ahead. I’ll drop new soundbite-style episodes with short and sweet insights or ahas whenever I feel like it. They will be informal and unscheduled and not your usual produced podcast kind of style, because I just want to keep this as simple and straightforward as possible. Enjoy!

About the host

Hi! I'm Sunni. I am a writer, artist, creator, mystic, mentor and guide to your most authentic life. My creative interests are kaleidoscopic in nature and as difficult to pin down as a slick fish in water. I live for the deep dives that pull out the jewels and have been known to indulge in mad tea parties. I write and teach about all of this and more at sunnichapman.com